Team Ryz

Prisha Gupta

Senior Content Developer
Communication, Ambition and Respect

Growing up, it was a roller coaster journey trying to figure out what I wanted to be and what I should be doing.

However, in retrospect it all makes sense now. The journey to self-discovery is never easy and it is mostly categorized by our inability to judge our capabilities. Throughout my academic life, I thought I knew what I wanted because I enjoyed being at the receiving end of it. However, when I got on the job market, I realized that it wasn’t what I truly wanted.

I needed to dig deep and identify my strengths and areas of interest to find a fulfilling career. That’s when I came across Strengthfy, an online assessment tool that helps individuals identify their strengths and find a career that aligns with their interests and values. At first, I was skeptical, as I had tried many such tests in the past that did not offer any valuable insights. But after reading some positive reviews, I decided to give it a shot. As I started answering the questions, I realized that this was not like any other test I had taken before. Ideally the tests are so boring and out of context that I begin to lose interest immediately.

But this one delved deep into my personality and provided a detailed analysis of my strengths and areas of improvement. It helped me understand my true calling and what I should be doing to excel in my career. The report I received from Strengthfy was an eye-opener. It revealed the hidden qualities that I didn’t even know I had, and it helped me identify my true passion. Armed with this newfound self-awareness, I started my job search with a renewed sense of purpose.

Thanks to Strengthfy, I landed my dream job in a company that aligns with my values and allows me to utilize my strengths to their fullest potential. I am grateful for the opportunity to take the test and would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking to find their true calling and unlock their full potential.

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