Refund policy


Product Download

Our products are currently delivered by Internet download only. After your purchase has been approved we will process your order. Orders are typically processed within one (1) hour but could take as long as twenty four (24) hours to complete. Once your order has been processed we will send you a confirmation email using the email address you provided on our order form. In case you do not receive your order in the duration mentioned above, please contact support and we will manually process the order and deliver the product to your registered email address.

This email will serve as your electronic purchase receipt and will contain the information you need to access our product downloads.

Downloads from our servers are closely monitored to ensure you are able to successfully access our products. While we are flexible and allow you to complete a reasonable number of downloads we will not tolerate download abuse. We reserve the right to terminate your access to our download servers.

Refund Policy

We stand behind our products and your satisfaction with them is important to us. However, because our products are digital goods delivered via Internet download we offer no refunds.

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